Women’s Health Services.
Emergency Contraceptive Pill
Postinor-1 is an emergency contraceptive only. Postinor-1 is not intended as a regular method of contraception. It is used to prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. It is estimated that Postinor-1 will prevent 85% of expected pregnancies. The sooner that you take Postinor-1 after unprotected intercourse, the more likely it is that the medication will work. Emergency contraception does not prevent a pregnancy in every instance.
For your safety, before selling you the ECP one of our Pharmacists will ask you some questions to assess whether it is right for you. In a private area, the pharmacist will advise you about the ECP and treat the sale as if you were prescribed it by your doctor.
Urinary Tract Infections
In uncomplicated cases, urinary tract infections (UTI) are easily treated with a short course of antibiotics which are available with a consultation at our Pharmacy.
For your safety, before selling you treatment for your UTI, one of our Pharmacists will ask you some questions to assess whether it is right for you. In a private area, the pharmacist will advise you about treatment and treat the sale as if it were prescribed to you by your doctor.
Note: We are only allowed to treat women between the ages of 16 and 65 who are not pregnant.
Oral Contraceptive Pill
Our pharmacists can renew your oral contraceptive prescription (the pill) in the pharmacy, saving you a trip to the GP, if you’ve received an oral contraceptive prescription from your GP in the past three years. We just need a few minutes to have a consultation, checking things like you blood pressure and other medications etc.
Note: Only selected oral contraceptive medicines can be supplied by a pharmacist without a prescription from the GP. They are not funded by the government. Other criteria may apply. Speak to one of our pharmacists for more information.
Vaginal Thrush
Vaginal thrush is a common condition and many women will be affected by it at some time in their lives. Some women suffer from recurrent episodes.
Symptoms include itching, irritation or a burning sensation in your genital area. There may be a thick, white or creamy vaginal discharge. Not everything that looks like thrush, is thrush, so always discuss your symptoms with your pharmacist.
Thrush is a fungal infection which is usually caused by an overgrowth of the yeast, Candida albicans. This yeast is a normal inhabitant of the digestive system, skin and vagina, but certain things can affect the delicate pH balance of the vagina, triggering an episode of thrush.
For your safety, before selling you a thrush treatment one of our Pharmacists will ask you some questions to assess whether it is right for you.